Rabu, 30 Desember 2020

Renungan Akhir Tahun Kamis 31 Desember 2020

Selama Tahun 2020: Kita lebih Pro Kristus atau Anti Kristus 

* P. Benedict Bere Mali, SVD *

Christmas Octave Mass Devotional

31 December 2020

1 John 2: 18-21

John 1: 1-18 

There are so many offers for life and truth. But it is most important for us as Catholics that among the many paths to true life there is only one way to truth and life, that is only through Jesus Christ. 

On the last day of 2020 we meditate on the prologue of the Gospel of John 1: 1-18. Reflections on the Prologue of John's Gospel in the context of the Purpose of Writing the Gospel of John as found in John 20: 30-31. That the Gospel of John was written with the aim, that people accept Jesus, so that people who receive Jesus believe in Jesus, so that people who accept and believe in Jesus receive life through Jesus as the only way of truth and life (John 14: 6). That means there is no other option for experiencing eternal life. Only in Jesus. 

Then what about those who are antichrists as in the first reading? In the Prologue of the Gospel of John the antichrist is known as a man who is still in darkness. In order for them to know that Jesus is the Light of eternal life for many people, it is necessary that there are people who proclaim or give testimony about Jesus the true Light. John bore Testimony of that Light. A Witness that is free of coercion but gives freedom to receive the Light of Christ, believe in Christ and accept life in Jesus as the only way to eternal life. 

Merenungkan Prolog Injil Yohanes berarti Kita sebagai SVD merenungkan serikat Sabda Allah sendiri secara utuh yaitu Sabda Allah, Sabda Roh Kudus, Sabda Yesus sendiri. Artinya merenungkan Sabda Allah berarti merenungkan Sabda Allah Tritunggal Maha Kudus.

Kita sepanjang Tahun 2020 ini telah berjalan bersama sang Sabda yaitu Sabda Putera, Sabda Roh Kudus dan Sabda Allah yang Kita rayakan di dalam Ekaristi setiap Hari dalam Tahun 2020 sampai Hari terakhir Hari ini 31 Desember 2020. 

For us there is no other choice. We have the name SVD Identity to always faithfully walk with the Word. Because the Word is the Light of life for Us and for those who believe in Him. Walking with the Word of God means that we bear witness to the world so that those who are still walking with others can join us again in walking with the Word of God, the Son and the Holy Spirit wherever and whenever we are. And in walking with the Word, we always talk with the Word through diligently carrying the Scriptures and trying to understand the Scriptures and understand them deeply in our lives. ***

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