Selasa, 29 Desember 2020


* P, Benedict Bere Mali, SVD * 

Christmas Octave Mass Devotional 

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Bible Reading for the Liturgical Year B

Luke 2: 36- 40

Among the many views about the cloaked people, there is one view that often appears and is heard in our ears that the robed people are perfect people so that God called and chosen to work from and in the Church or Temple of God.

The general view that cloaked people are Perfect beings is sometimes consciously or unconsciously accepted by some people who call themselves part of the group of cloaked people. 

Whether they realize it or not, they often find it difficult to accept corrections and evaluations as well as constructive criticism of the mistakes and shortcomings that have surfaced in the public eye. 

Thus, personal and social maturity and spiritual maturity are difficult to reconcile. Between birth and mental maturity, there is still a wide gap. 

Bacaan Injil Hari ini menampilkan Hana seorang Nabi Perempuan. Tentu di pikiran Kita, sebagai Nabi, dia tidak memiliki persoalan yang menjadi pergulatan hidupnya. Tetapi kalau kita mengenal Hana secara lebih dekat maka sebetulnya Hana memiliki persoalan yang menjadi pergulatan yang cukup serius di dalam hidupnya. Pertama, Ia adalah keturunan Suku Asyer yang pernah melawan Yahweh sehingga mereka jatuh dan dibuang ke Asyur. Orang Israel yang setia pada Yahweh memiliki prasangka Negatif pada Suku Asyer ini. Hal ini pasti secara Sosial menjadi sebuah pergulatan yang hebat dalam Diri Hana. Kedua, Hana adalah janda miskin. Mengapa dikatakan Hana itu miskin. Dalam Agama Yahudi ada tiga syarat kesalehan yang harus dimiliki oleh seseorang yaitu Berdoa, berpuasa, dan bersedekah bagi sesama. Tetapi dalam Injil tidak disebutkan bahwa Hana bersedekah. 

Apakah kedua persoalan itu meghalangi Hana untuk menjadi seorang Nabi bagi Sang Mesias yang membawa kelepasan bagi umat manusia yang terbelenggu oleh dosa? 

It seems that the two struggles cannot cancel the work of salvation that must be experienced physically in Jesus the Messiah in the temple. It is from Allah's side. But from the human side of Hana, actually she has made peace with personal and social problems and struggles. He has made peace with himself and others. He has solved both problems. And because of that he can be said to be a person who is quite mature personally and socially and can focus as a prophet who experienced Jesus the Messiah who brought deliverance for the sins of mankind. He proclaimed Jesus the Deliverer of mankind from the shackles of sin with words and deeds. He proclaimed the Messiah who brought deliverance to humans through his efforts to experience deliverance physically, personally and socially in himself as a prophet of God. 

From Prophet Hana we learn. We are prophets about the Christmas Jesus the Messiah today. Like Hana, we need to proclaim the Christmas of Jesus the Messiah with words and life examples in the form of praying, fasting and giving alms to others during the Covid-19 pandemic. Perhaps, like Hannah, we don't have enough material to give alms materially, but we give charity through prayer and the Eucharist as a real sign of deliverance for mankind. ****

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